Friday, November 16, 2012


Yup, you read that right....
SOOOOO excited to offer
on ALL
(for a limited time)

and YES, even on Miss Mustard Seed's new book,
 Marian Parsons (a.k.a. Miss Mustard Seed) believes that “you don’t need a huge budget, a degree in interior design, or a boatload of DIY (do-it-yourself) experience” to create a stylish, joy-filled home. With God by her side, this pastor’s wife, mother of two and owner of Mustard Seed Interiors in Gettysburg, PA, shows how your own blessings, energy and talent can create the home you want. She’s already inspired the thousands of people who read her blog to uncover their God-given creativity; now she brings her values of creativity, contentment and frugality to Inspired You with glorious results. Her encouraging words, biblical insights and how-to projects will help you awaken your creative spirit, too. Color photos.

So SHOP TIL YOU DROP because shipping is on us!
Go directly to our shopping cart and order all of your  
paint supplies from 
Robyn Story Designs and at checkout
(for a limited time)
 will be attached to all
You will be charged our normal FLAT RATE SHIPPING price for all other products ordered at the same time.  FREE SHIPPING is ONLY available for Miss Mustard Seed's Products!

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