Contact Robyn Story Designs

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Things of Beauty

I adore these bottles.  Each one is hand-made and unique.  No two are alike.  I can't tell you how special they are.  Just things of beauty that I thought I'd share with you.  


  1. Gorgeous bottles- I love them all!~ I did NOT forget about ordering...I had my granddaughter for the remainder of the Memorial Day weekend and went back to work yesterday. I will sit and figure what I need so that I can order in the next day or so~;>) Diana

  2. Awe, I'm following NanaDiana - she's a hoot! She writes the cutest posts about her little grand daughter, SweetCheeks! That child will surely become an actress one day.

    These bottles are delicious!!! They do look very special indeed!

  3. Nice to meet you! I'm a new follower. Looking forward to getting to know you!
